Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Day 10, was that your toe james?

Woke at 0430, left the hotel by 0500 and again heading north to put some early morning miles down. It was noticeable that our clutch again was suffering, and the breaks seemed slightly less effective in the fact we didn't have any at all. Seemed to work at low speed but completely non existent at high speed. This lead us to pull over in a town called Malda. We instantly found a mechanic although in hindsight he wasn't the greatest. Quoted 500Rbs(£6) we sent him off to get the parts of the new brake seals. 2 hour round trip allowed time for 10 cups of tea, fitted thrice as it didn't fix the first or second time, then James noticed they hadnt actually used the new parts. Half hour later it seemed better, hey managed to flease us for another 500Rns before we left, but we were just glad to leave. Stopping for street food is highly recommended in India, each region has it own delicacies and each is better than the last. All are vegetarian. Most are fried, so cheap and so so dam good. We soon crossed the marvelous River Ganga (Ganges) nearly getting our camera conviscated but armed india guards who insisted I delete all pictures of the bridge and river. Don't worry, some to come. The water was a light blue colour, not sure its sea water making it that blue or washing powder coming down the hills from the many cities it lows through. Pretty nether the less. What is most noticeable about West Bengal is the way they great us, they dont seem to have had the same English based eduction as the southern states of india. Being very general, education seems low in the list too things to do here. This transcribes as people just staring in disbelief unable to comment or communicate, almost in a rude fashion unless you knew better. Dusk saw us roll into Rajgangj, stayed at hotel Embassy which according to rumour has the bast bar in town. All I now is Id hate to go to the worst. Dinner was surprisingly good and the room comfortable. Mosquitos bites - 5 Cockroaches - 0

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