Monday, 5 March 2012


After weeks of scouring the internet, digging out old adventure kit and planning we now have a packed equipment bag.

First aid kit, Solar charger, bungee cords, mosquito spray, sting ease, security cables, travel safe, hammocks, rope, travel shower, fishing rods and tackle, maps, waterproof map case, Malarone malaria tablets, torches, chlorine tablets and a swiss army knife.

Suggestions of anything we may have forgotten are very welcome.
Any tips on taming Bengal Tigers also welcomed..


  1. rehydration sachets...duc marker pen....candles and matches...

  2. All great suggestions and have all been added to the list. Thank you Girlinterrupting

  3. boiled sweets and cool stuff to give street kids and stuff to bribe locals!!! A decent knife, bottle opener (!) couple of wine corks, a bell, some string ( sounds daft but if you are sleeping in atent and someone tries to break into your Rickshaw/Supplies....

  4. Who is Girlinterrpted? has she done this before??

  5. Hey, ha, not nearly as extreme! Was just thinking of what i would want if i didnt know the terrain and what would be can fix anything with Duc tape! bottle opener - sound obvious but its the obvious things you'd forget, corks in case you need to stem/plug something - can also be used as a float if you are fishing...for that matter fishing wire is genius, almost invisable, super strong etc....its also lightweight. I'd also add some Muslin in case it gets very dusty or you need to drain something, A pipette bottle full of petrol for instant firelight fluid ( just buy those littel travel bottles) the list goes on...just get creative! You may not need half this stuff but it depend on how remote things are!!! Just think what makes you comfortable at home...and then ensure you have the tools to recreate up a frickin mountain/desert etc! - Food, warmth, security etc...Flat sheet and a pillow case. Luxury items you will be so thankful for - pillow case can be used as a bag/stuff with clothes as a pillow, flat sheet to keep mosquito's at bay, as a makeshift tent, a flag...the list - as i am discovering the more i think about this, is endless.
